Electrically tunable Berry curvature and strong light-matter coupling in liquid crystal microcavities with 2D perovskite

In this work, we present electrically tunable microcavity exciton-polariton resonances in a Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling field. For this, we have implemented an architecture of a photonic structure with a two-dimensional perovskite layer incorporated into a microcavity filled with nematic liquid crystal. Our work interfaces spinoptronic devices with electronics by combining electrical control over both the strong light-matter coupling conditions and artificial gauge fields. Science Advances 8, 40 (2022) (5 Oct 2022)

The optical Stern-Gerlach Deflection and Young’s experiment in the reciprocal space

Scientists for the first time demonstrated Young’s experiment for photons in the reciprocal space. Spin patterns corresponding to the persistent spin helix and the Stern-Gerlach experiment are realized in an optically anisotropic liquid crystal microcavity. By applying electric voltage across the microcavity, the liquid crystal molecules inside could be rotated in such a way that the light passing through the cavity was forced to change its internal state into right- and left-handed circular polarized components. EurekAlert!

Physical Review Letters, 127, 190401